Soil & Groundwater Assessment

Contamination Delineation

Where the contamination of soil and/or groundwater is suspected, either by long term historical impact or by a known release or spillage, there is clear UK Government guidance on how any impact must be assessed.

Remediation Strategies has a proven track record of designing and completing detailed investigations to assess soil and groundwater contamination and to determine whether any remediation measures are required to allow either the safe continued use of a facility or the redevelopment of a site to commence.

Remediation Strategies specialises in sites with known/confirmed environmental liabilities and our services include:

  • Detailed reviews of historical site investigation and remediation data, including the preparation of gap analyses reports; and
  • Design and completion of  contamination delineation works to confirm the extent of any soil and groundwater contamination.

Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment

Once the nature and extent of any soil and groundwater contamination has been identified, an assessment of the significance of the contamination and any risks posed to human health, controlled waters or ecological receptors is normally completed. Current best practice recommends the development of a conceptual site model and the use of Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment (DQRA) techniques to assess the risks posed by individual contaminants.

The output from DQRA normally provides Site Specific Target Levels (SSTLs) for remediation. These SSTLs are essentially clean up targets for any future remediation works and represent contaminant concentrations below which risks are deemed to be acceptable.

Regulatory Authority Consultation

At Remediation Strategies we encourage our clients to engage with the Regulatory Authorities at the earliest opportunity and to work with them through the contamination delineation and DQRA phases to ensure that a mutually acceptable approach to managing any environmental liabilities is reached.